Thursday, March 29, 2012

 The wind picked up after 11 am... and the rain started at ...
 Looks a lot like a 66 Chevelle from the sideTake the lettering off the tail panel, and no one would know what this car is.&nb...
here is the originalThe engine careened across almost 98 ft of the station concourse, crashed through a 2 foot thick wall, shot across a terrace and sailed out of the station, plummeting onto the Place de Rennes 33 ft below, where it stood on its nose. All on board the train survived, five sustaining injuries: two passengers (out of 131), the fireman and two conductors; however, one woman on the street...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

 I should have gotten a better photo of the top of it. Anyone seen one before? I never h...
I'd rather get one of these than the aluminum postage business card ones that are so com...
I discovered this story on the Vintage Racing League newsletter that I get in email on a weekly basis, but the full story was removed from the source they cite, the Vancouver newspaper, so I looked around the internet, and found a Facebook page for Robin's 6000 mile trek across Canada in his Bentley,!/pages/RM-X-Canada/229863477043872...
 the fender mounted side mirrors are a nice touch tooand that it's a right hand drive is also unusual... and c...
just one of 20 photos demonstrating why dogs are not good pets from

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

 handmade license plate mount... from a street sign. I love...